Shodhs Digicard a powerful digital marketing tool

An interactive digital business card developed by Ek Shodh Team

Running a business or service is not an easy task! High dedication to build it is an important aspect as well as your strategies to promote your business or services make it easier to attract more clients towards you.

Today we are in era where digital marketing plays an important role for branding and lead generation. Think, if you taken a quotation of digital marketing for your business from a digital marketing agency. Definitely the cost for it you think higher than your expectation. But for more efficient result yes we can go with digital marketing.

Today I would like to introduce an efficient tool of digital marketing that would make it smarter and interesting, a way of branding your brand in front of your clients, it’s a shodh’s digital business card developed by a well known digital marketing consultation agency who are proficient in search engine and video marketing through google advertising, facebook sponsers advertisement, email marketing and other digital marketing techniques.

Shodh’s digicard is an interactive digital business card developed for direct client to business interaction through a smart promotion strategy for branding and lead generation. Like your old offline business card it contains your contact details as well as more interactive things that will help your branding process of just a business to a well known brand.

Think about your business card, it’s a paper based having your contact detail printed with one or more colors and some of having your business logo. The size of card is compact and having less information about your business services or products. Just for contact details on a business card or a business visiting card you paid more than INR 400 for approx 1000 units. The scenarios are different for region to region and design you chosen. Things to focus, it’s not an interactive for your client and only very good designs can attract your client. Many times if someone given his business card may be loss from us because it were thrown to dustbin or place that we don’t remember. Now think about your business visiting card client also do the same things and loss you. Your expenses for paper based printed business visiting card is repeated for some quantities. For changing a design you need to pay more.

Think you shared more than thousands of business card to your clients from last couples of years and you want to change your business mobile number or email id or website now by some reason, can you meet every client again to give your newly printed visiting card again or send them lot of bulk SMS to inform them about the change? Both will charge higher and not an efficient way to do.

Now a solution is shift towards a Shodh’s digital business card. Shodh’s digicard is a smarter way for digital business card or digital visiting card that will cover lot of aspects that can help you for efficient branding your brand in front of your client and in lesser cost. Only you need to send your shodh’s digital business card to your unlimited clients. Yes you read right! You can send your shodh’s digital business card to unlimited clients unlimited times. Also shodhs digicard is an interactive medium for branding that contains your contact information, product information and your social media channels in to one unit. Everything about your business social media and contact details are available on just a click only. Its sound interesting!

If your client request you to please send your digital visiting card again, now you just share your digital business card to your client just some clicks through freely on whatsapp, facebook, sms, email.

Let’s take a small comparison about your offline business visiting card, PDF based digital business visiting card with shodh’s digicard.

  • Technology used:

    Your offline business card is paper based, PDF based card is PDF based means you need PDF software installed on your mobile. Shodh’s digcard is cloud based card, means paperless and no need to install PDF software on your mobile while shodh’s digicard has a plan to design your shodh’s PDF based digital business card in affordable rate.
  • Display size:

    Paper based business card having less business information because of its compact size and design, PDF based digital visiting card is available in one page PDF format and also having in a little space. Shodh’s digicard can be enlarge its space because it’s a dynamic and based on smart programming techniques developed by HP Transcoders programmers
  • Physical size:

    Now consider the physical size, every paper based business visiting card has its own physical weight means number of visiting card required more space and increasing its weight to carry them. Now PDF based cards physical size is more than 2 MB and can increase its size if we added more images, data in it. Some PDF based digital business card having sizes more than 15 MB. It will cause ignorance by clients because client needs to download them on their mobile phone through his mobile or wifi data. Clients need to pay for his mobile or wifi data. Interesting things about Shodh’s digicard, it’s only takes some KB of data! Yes it’s very compact in size only in KB because it hosted on a cloud and client will reach through your some KB sized link. Means he has loss only some kb of its mobile data to visit your shodh’s digital business card.
  • Interactivity:

    Now about interaction, paper based business visiting card having some of your important contact information printed on it, need clients effort to type it on his mobile to contact with you through mobile number, email, address location or social media channel and website. PDF can be clickable or interactive but primary important things is different PDF software needs some permission to access internet of clients mobile also need active mobile internet or wifi. Shodh’s digicard is a smarter e business card, it just access directly through internet. No special permission required to access internet only need to active mobile internet or wifi!
  • Modification in content:

    If you need to change your information from your paper based business visiting card it can’t be possible, needs new visiting card. Means having old cards is just a waste of money because it will be in scrap when you used new one. PDF based card required a specific PDF modification program, its knowledge and license to use PDF editing program. In Shodh’s digicard, it’s possible to change the business contact information. You just need to contact Shodh’s digicard support team and you need shodh’s digicard plan having facility to active it for modification.
  • Gallery (optional):

    It’s not possible to show all of your business or service photographs gallery on your paper based business visiting card, also not available in PDF based digital business card. You need to design more pages in PDF to show it. Price and size of card will increase. Many PDF cards doesn’t having such options. Shodhs digicard are really smarter, it having the optional plans to grow sizes as per requirement means you can add your gallery as on request from shodh’s digicard support team
  • Beautiful design:

    For every paper based card you need a good quality design to attract more clients. If your paper based cards design designed by a professional graphics designer, he will take more cost minimum INR 1000 for one design. Changes made in design cost more. Same about the PDF based card, proficient design cost more. Shodh’s digicard is developed based on research of more than thousands of professionals and business around the globe and designed by professional artist from HP Transcoders team. It available in awesome colors and fonts means no need to worry about design.
  • Social media:

    Do you know social media is an important medium today to promote your business? Mostly paper based card ignore social media links because of its own compact size. PDF based card can have social media link by its not dynamic means you can’t change without PDF editing software in future. In shodhs digicard it make very simple, just need to contact with shodh’s digicard support team for modification.
  • QR Code(optional):

    Shodh’s digicard provide you a option to ask a QR code in very negligible price. Just place the code on your store, customer scan it and they can get your shodhs digicard on their mobile.
  • Share to world:

    For each paper based business visiting card you need to pay money. Means more business visiting card cost more money. PDF based card can be send to many customer. Bust required a trust of customers on you, and you need to add customers contact numbers on your mobile. Again shodh’s digicard is smarter than all this case also. You need to share it to your saved contacts as well as unsaved contacts. You will get more option to sharing through different medium.
  • Update:

    Shodh digicard is a research of a HP Transcoders and Ek shodh team. Every time if they research something effective to you and freely available, they just add the features in your shodh’s digital business card. It’s a superb work the community given to you.